Haringey Giving, launched in October 2019, is hosted by the Bridge Renewal Trust (BRT) the council’s strategic partner for the voluntary and community sector in Haringey.
BRT provides access to networks and expertise and support functions. It’s access to the Council has provided core funding for Haringey Giving, delegated grant making and strengthened Haringey Giving’s role as a convenor. This strong relationship with the Council proved important to co-ordinate covid support.
Haringey Giving aims to be as independent as possible with its own voice and identity. It sought legal advice for a Terms of Reference which can be translated into a governing document if and when Haringey Giving becomes independent. The Haringey Giving Board is a sub-committee of BRT. One BRT Trustee sits on the Haringey Giving Board as a voting member and reports to the Bridge trustees. The rest of Board is made up of voting members and non-voting advisors who bring relevant expertise to this stage of the scheme’s development, such as grant making. A balance has been struck between resident board members and partners representing different sectors and perspectives.
Its first operational year of grantmaking was accelerated by the covid response. In 2020/21 its team of two people raised over £450k, distributed over £400k to 86 projects and co-ordinated a further £150k of in-kind donations to tackle digital exclusion. The Board was hands on so it could act quickly to meet urgent local need, particularly with practical support on grant making and communications.
Colin Bowen (Director, Haringey Giving), found that a strong relationship between the Director and Chair was key. An independent mentor for the first six months helped him to navigate the potential tensions of creating something new in an established organisation, building trust and in getting the most out of a new Board. This is an approach he recommends.